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ROHM Theatre Kyoto Program

Research Program

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  • Research Program

Ongoing since 2017, this research program aims to foster young people who can form bridges between sites of practice and research and criticism fields in the performing arts as well as research for programming. The main themes of the research this year are traditional performing arts today, children and the performing arts, and performing arts archives, along with other topics selected by researchers.

・ROHM Theatre Kyoto Research Program 2017 (JP Only)
 "ROHM Theater Kyoto Research Program Bulletin-2017 Report"Click here for details(JP Only)
・ROHM Theatre Kyoto Research Program 2018 (JP Only)
 "ROHM Theater Kyoto Research Program Bulletin-2018 Report"Click here for details(JP Only)
・ROHM Theatre Kyoto Research Program 2019 (JP Only)
 "ROHM Theater Kyoto Research Program Bulletin-2019 Report"Click here for details(JP Only)
・・ROHM Theatre Kyoto Research Program 2020 (JP Only)

Presented by ROHM Theatre Kyoto (Kyoto City Music Art Cultural Promoting Foundation), Kyoto City Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in the fiscal 2021|Japan Arts Council


ROHM Theatre Kyoto TEL.075-771-6051

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