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 劇場の財産となる作品をプロデュースするシリーズ「レパートリーの創造」では、社会に対する違和感を鋭い感性と確かな筆力で描き出す、市原佐都子が新作を発表します。さまざまな状況にある女性たちへのインタビューやその身体を巡るフィールド・リサーチを経て放たれる、書き下ろしです。日本と韓国の俳優、スタッフのコ ラボレーションにもご期待ください。そして、京都市交響楽団・第9代常任指揮者(1990年4月~1998年3月)を務めた、井上道義によるオペラ「ラ・ボエーム」を全国の7つの公共劇場、7つのオーケストラとの共同制作で実現します。2024年12月で指揮者活動の引退を公表している井上にとって、最後のオペラであり、ロームシアター京都初登場にして、最後のロームシアター京都の舞台です。

ロームシアター京都 2024年度自主事業ラインアップ 6つの事業カテゴリー

  • 1│New Productions

    ROHM Theatre Kyoto aspires to harness its role as a venue that not only hosts productions but also produces new ones in partnership with artists from Japan and beyond, in this way building up a body of work to serve as the theatre’s legacy.
  • 2│City of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra Program

    ROHM Theatre Kyoto is the second hall affiliated with the City of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra. The theatre strives to expand the appeal of the orchestra through not only presenting musical concerts but also collaborations with other types of events.
  • 3│Continuing the Traditional Performing Arts

    The theatre shares the appeal of traditional Japanese performing arts by introducing old forms of performance like buyo, noh, bunraku, and gagaku as well as local folk performances in unique ways.
  • 4│ROHM Theatre Kyoto Selection

    The theatre presents superb examples of the performing arts from Japan and beyond. It also supports the work of the next generation of talent and holds programs in partnership with various other Kyoto-based venues and organizations like Kyoto Experiment.
  • 5│Learning

    In addition to developing learning programs suitable for elementary, junior high, and high school students, the theatre conducts research and holds lectures on the performing arts, as such fulfilling its role as a place for creativity and practice.
  • 6│Community

    Through activities that take place outside the halls and programs closely tied to various lifestyles, the theatre aims to energize the local area and deepen its partnerships with other facilities and organizations in Kyoto’s Okazak i community.

ROHM Theatre Kyoto Program Archives

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