Encountering music that transcends our image of music
2021.6.27 (SUN)
Sunday 27 June 2021(4pm . About 45 minutes)
Venue : Park Plaza 3F Lobby

© Naoko Nagasawa
This unique duo comprises Takashi Matsudaira (baritone, vocalist) and Shinya Hashimoto (tuba, serpent). Formed in 2006 to perform a special baritone and tuba version of Joji Yuasa’s Observations on Weather Forecasts, the duo has premiered or received commissions for over thirty pieces. It has continued to perform medieval and Renaissance duets, expanding the surreal yet pop world of bass duets. Its releases include Rotation and Twin Prime Numbers from Kojima Recordings.
Presented by ROHM Theatre Kyoto (Kyoto City Music Art Cultural Promoting Foundation), Kyoto City
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in the fiscal 2021| Japan Arts Council
ROHM Theatre Kyoto TEL.075-746-3201