A work by a leading composer, created by the fusion of Takanori Nishikawa and Kyoto Symphony Orchestra!
This is the second part of the Life series of orchestra music by Kosuke Oshima, a leading figure in the Japanese music world.
The concert features a completely original and rearranged version of a piece first presented in 2019. Like in its previous incarnation, the vocalist is Takanori Nishikawa. A new musical world fuses with the full orchestra of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra (Kyokyo).
Performers: Kosuke Oshima (music, staging, arrangement, piano), Takanori Nishikawa (vocalist), Chikara Iwamura (conductor), Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, and others
Music: Kosuke Oshima, Life: Dreamer of Eternity—No matter how long I life, I’ll meet you again (Original Ver.)
ROHM Theatre Kyoto TEL:075-771-6051
Ticket Prices
Reserved seating¥8,000
2021.7.10 (SAT)
Tickets on Sale
2021.8.15 (SUN)
Tickets Available from
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Online Tickets
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Box Office[窓口・電話 TEL.075-746-3201(10:00~17:00、年中無休 ※臨時休館日等により変更の場合あり)]