Ever since ROHM Theatre Kyoto opened, the Opera for High School Students series has staged such productions as The Marriage of Figaro, Madama Butterfly, and The Magic Flute. This year’s performances are the first of Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti. Originally staged at the New National Theatre, Tokyo in 2019, this production enjoyed a strong critical response for its sensitivity to subtlety of expression and effective development while remaining committed to an orthodox approach that fully conveyed the quintessential joy of opera. Unfolding to a charming, lively musical score, this comic opera tells of how the schemes of the wealthy, old Don Pasquale are frustrated by his nephew Ernesto’s lover, Norina, and Dr. Malatesta.
Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti
Full three-act version
Performed in Italian with Japanese surtitles
Conductor: Tetsuro Ban
Director: Stefano Vizioli
Orchestra: City of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra
Chorus: New National Theatre Chorus
Don Pasquale: Masumi Kubota
Malatesta: Kenji Moriguchi
Ernesto: Ryoichi Nakai
Norina: Kanae Kushima
And others
ROHM Theatre Kyoto TEL:075-771-6051
Ticket Prices
Reserved seatingHigh School and Under: ¥2,200 / General: ¥4,400
Ticket priority to high school students (only available to the general public if tickets are unsold)
Tickets Available from
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Online Tickets
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Box Office[窓口・電話 TEL.075-746-3201(10:00~17:00、年中無休 ※臨時休館日等により変更の場合あり)]
- Kyoto Concert Hall Box Office[TEL.075-711-3231 (10:00~17:00 closed on the 1st and the 3rd Mondays, and the following Tuesday in case 1st or 3rd Monday is a national holiday) ]