The Festival features concert bands from elementary, junior high and high schools around Kyoto Prefecture
This festival features concert bands from elementary, junior high and high schools around Kyoto Prefecture, as well as university students and adults. The event also welcomes Kome Kome Club member and concert band music director Orita Nobotta as a guest performer.
Featuring: Kyoto Band Association (Kids, junior high schools, high schools, universities, Community, Directors) Guest Performer: Orita Nobotta(saxophone, flute, clarinet)
Presented by:City of Kyoto
ROHM Theatre Kyoto (Kyoto City Music Arts and Culture Promotion Foundation),
Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation
In co-operation with:Kyoto Band Association
Supported by:the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2015
ROHM Theatre Kyoto
Tel: +81 (0)75-746-3355
Ticket Prices
Unreserved seating¥1,000
Tickets on Sale
2016.1.1 (FRI)
Tickets Available from
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Box Office[窓口・電話 TEL.075-746-3201(10:00~17:00、年中無休 ※臨時休館日等により変更の場合あり)]
- Kyoto Concert Hall Box Office[TEL.075-711-3231 (10:00~17:00 closed on the 1st and the 3rd Mondays, and the following Tuesday in case 1st or 3rd Monday is a national holiday) ]