Violetta Valéry: Nina Minasyan
Alfredo Germont: Kang Wang
Giorgio Germont: Quinn Kelsey
Flora Bervoix: Megan Marino
Annina: Mayumi Makino
Gastone: Martin Bakari
Barone Douphol: Soshiro Ide
Marchese d’Obigny: Hidekazu Machi
Dottore Grenvil: Teppei Kono
Diego Matheuz (Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Principal Conductor)
Stage Director
David Kneuss
About Seiji Ozawa Music Academy
Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Founder / Permanent Artistic Director: Seiji Ozawa
Seiji Ozawa Music Academy Associate Director: Sadao Harada
Assisting Director: Seira Ozawa
ROHM Theatre Kyoto TEL. 075-771-6051
Ticket Prices
S¥22,000 / A¥16,000 / B ¥13,000 / C ¥8,000 U39:¥10,000 (For those age 39 and under. Available in limited quantities for S and A seat types. Designated seating not available. Proof of age required at the venue. One ticket per person only.) U25:¥3,000 (For those age 25 and under. Designated seating not available. Sold at ticket windows only. Proof of age required at the venue. One ticket per person only.)Pre-release
2024.11.9 (SAT)
Tickets on Sale
2024.11.16 (SAT)
Tickets Available from
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Online Tickets
- ROHM Theatre Kyoto Box Office[TEL.075-746-3201 (10:00~17:00、Open year round (except when closed for temporary closing dates, etc.))]
- Kyoto Concert Hall Box Office[TEL.075-711-3231 (10:00~17:00 closed on the 1st and the 3rd Mondays, and the following Tuesday in case 1st or 3rd Monday is a national holiday) ]
- Ticket Pia
- LAWSON Ticket
- e+
Babysitting Services
Childcare is available for audiences with young children so that they can better enjoy performances. Information on how and when to reserve will be available here.
Dates and times:
1.3 PM on Friday 14 March, 2:00 until 15 minutes after the end of the performance.
2.3 PM on Sunday 16 March, 2:00 until 15 minutes after the end of the performance.
Deadline for applications:
1.Friday 7 March
2.Sunday 9 March
■Application Form
For ages: from 3 months up to school age
Fee: ¥1,000 (per person and performance)