Set 15 years after the events of Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House,” which famously ends with Nora leaving her husband, Lucas Hnath’s Broadway debut penetrated to the heart of concerns about the modern family and the dilemmas facing women today. It here receives its long-awaited Japanese premiere by award-winning director Tamiya Kuriyama. First staged in 2017 and meeting immediate acclaim, this play then transferred quickly to Broadway and received eight Tony Award nominations that year. Now Kyoto audiences have the opportunity to catch this much-discussed play.
2019.9.14 (SAT) – 9.16 (MON)
Venue : South Hall
Written by Lucas Hnath
Translation: Keiko Tsuneda
Directed by Tamiya Kuriyama
Cast: Hiromi Nagasaku, Hajime Yamazaki, Rin Nasu, Masayo Umezawa
Planned and produced by PARCO
Presented by Sunrise Promotion Osaka
Co-presented by ROHM Theatre Kyoto (Kyoto City Music Arts and Culture Promotion Foundation)
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2019.6.30 (SUN)